lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

Third stage of "Shark Proyect"

Photo from Andy Murch

Third stage of "Shark Proyect"

On this occasion I will travel tomorrow to a small town called e Morehead is located in North Carolina USA, where we hope to be lucky enough to photograph the shark terecer project, "The sand tiger shark," then told them about a little more about this species:
Common names: sand tiger shark, sand tiger shark common, serrated shark teeth, shark teeth stained irregular, gray nurse shark and bull shark.

Latin name: Carcharias Taurus, Taurus Eugomphodus

Family: Odontaspididae

ID: They have a serrated jaws and sharp teeth out and the snout with a pointed end, it would seem that is growling. Big body. The first set of dorsal fins behind pelvic fins. The anal fin is long as the pelvic and the second dorsal. The color of the top of the shark goes from golden brown to gray, often with touches of somewhat darker spots. In the belly of a pale color.

Size: Male 2.6m, 3.3 m female at birth will have a length of 1m.

Habitat: They are found around rocky reefs and wrecks in temperate and tropical waters. Can be observed from surface to 200m or more.

Abundance and Distribution: A wide range of coastal species, who are residents frequent shipwrecks on the eastern coast of the Americas, especially in North America. They can also be seen in the reef channels around South Wales (Australia) and rocky reefs of South Africa. It can also be located in the deep waters of the Mediterranean. This species commonly inhabits the northern high latitudes in winter move to warmer waters where it is winter. While other species of tropical groups are present throughout the seasons.

Behavior: It has often been seen in the background, floating and motionless. A learned behavior by their ability to swim to the surface for air, it allows the shark floating in the same way it does a fish swim bladder fills its air. Although docile sand tiger has the power to launch forward with great speed when hunting or looking for food. Their diet varies depending on where you are located, usually consists of bony fishes, small sharks and rays.

Reproduction: ovoviviparous and embriófagos. The embryos that are developing intrauterine cannibalism practiced until a shark remains in each uterus. Attacks have been observed mating. Males in captivity have bitten females near the region where the guts to take hold during copulation. The females stop eating during the gestation period to the point of hydroids grow them in the teeth.
Similar species: sand tiger shark with small teeth (Odontaspis ferox) identified by its large, conical snout, the position of its dorsal fin which is later and is longer.

Reaction to divers: Remains motionless unless a diver gets too close to them. They are usually not aggressive towards divers, but males can be in mating season or during courtship.

At this stage of the project will be making dives on shipwrecks found in the area, you can get to see in one dive more than 100 sharks.

I'll send you more information and pictures to over the issue.
Gerardo del Villar

Shark proyect 2nd Stage:

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